

Jessica Cundiff, Ph.D

S&T ADVANCE Director/Principal Investigator


Dr. Jessica Cundiff is the founding director of S&T’s ADVANCE program, which began in Fall 2022. She is a social psychologist with expertise in the psychology of gender, stereotyping, and discrimination. Her research focuses on the psychological processes that contribute to social inequality, with an emphasis on subtle forms of bias that are often unintentional and seemingly minor, yet consequential. Her work aims to raise awareness about subtle bias and develop practical and effective solutions for improving social equity. Most recently her work has focused on understanding gender gaps in STEM participation and developing strategies for increasing diversity and inclusion in STEM fields.

Colin Potts, Ph.D

Dr. Colin Potts is Missouri S&T's Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. He is responsible for overseeing all academic functions at Missouri S&T as well as academic success, enrollment management, institutional research and data management, international affairs, and Curtis Laws Wilson Library.

Kate Drowne, Ph.D

Dr. Kate Drowne is a professor of English at Missouri S&T, and currently serves as the Assistant Provost for Faculty Affairs. 


Richard Brow, Ph.D

Dr. Richard Brow is a Curator's Professor of Ceramic Engineering at Missouri S&T. 

Robert Marley, Ph.D

Dr. Robert Marley is a Robert B. Koplar Professor of Engineering Management. 

Melanie Mormile, Ph.D

Dr. Melanie Mormile is a professor in Biological Science, Geological Sciences and Engineering, and is the Chair of the Institutional Biosafety Committee.

Senior Personnel

Daniel Forciniti, Ph.D

Senior Personnel


Dr. Daniel Forciniti is the associate provost of faculty affairs for Missouri S&T. He is also a professor of chemical and biochemical engineering. 

The Internal Advisory Committee provides direction and guidance for developing S&T Advance initiatives and programming. Current members are:

  • Mehrzad Boroujerdi, Vice Provost and Dean of the College of Arts, Sciences, and Education
  • David Borrok, Vice Provost and Dean of the College of Engineering and Computing
  • James Sterling, Vice Provost and Dean of the Kummer College of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Development
  • Dave Westenberg, President of Faculty Senate
  • Kwame Awuah-Offei, Chair of Department Chairs Council
  • Daniel Forciniti, Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs
  • Kamal Khayat, Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation
  • Susan Murray, Interim Vice Provost for Online Learning and Educational Innovation
  • Cindi Nelson, Chief Human Resources Officer
  • Tory Verkamp, Vice Chancellor for University Advancement
  • Sue Simmons, Board of Trustees representative
  • Jim Faletti, Board of Trustees representative

The members of the External Advisory Committee provide consultation and advice regarding S&T Advance project activities and progress. Committee members review Faculty Fellows projects and serve as consultants for the Department Grant program. Current members are:

  • Jeni Hart, Dean of the Graduate School and Vice Provost for Graduate Studies at the University of Missouri
  • Isis Settles, Associate Director of ADVANCE, Professor of Psychology, Women and Gender Studies, and Afroamerican and African Studies, University of Michigan
  • Abigail Stewart, Professor of Psychology and Women and Gender Studies, University of Michigan
  • KerryAnn O'Meara, former Director of ADVANCE program, Professor of Higher Education, University of Maryland College Park
  • Joyce Yen, Director of ADVANCE Center for Institutional Change, University of Washington

Administrative Support

  • Emily Dilly, Executive Assistant

Research Support

  • Prince Kofi Quarshie, Psychological Science, Graduate Research Assistant

Andrew Behrendt, Assistant Teaching Professor, History and Political Science

Sajal Das, Curators' Professor, Computer Science

Kathryn Northcut, Professor, English and Technical Communication

Amber Pete, Assistant Professor, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering

Elvan Akin, Professor, Mathematics and Statistics

Shun Saito, Assistant Professor, Physics

Andrea Scharf, Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences

Bill Schomberg, Professor, Civil Engineering

Ting Shen, Assistant Professor, Psychological Science

Dan Stutts, Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Joan Schuman, Teaching Professor, Engineering Management and Systems Engineering

Risheng Wang, Associate Professor, Chemistry

Kelley Wilkerson, Associate Teaching Professor, Materials Science and Engineering

Muthanna H. Al-Dahhan, Curators' Distinguished Professor, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering

M. Emilia Barbosa, Assistant Professor, Arts, Languages, and Philosophy

Amy Belfi, Associate Professor, Psychological Science

David Borrok, Vice Provost and Dean, College of Engineering and Computing

Casey Canfield, Associate Professor, Engineering Management

Kathryn Dolan, Professor, English and Technical Communication

Xiaosong Du, Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 

Rohit Dua, Associate Teaching Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Cassie Elrod, Associate Professor and Chair, Business and Information Technology

Mina Esmaeelpour, Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Shannon Fogg, Professor and chair of History and Political Science

Daoru (Frank) Han, Associate Professor, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering

Sarah Hercula, Associate Professor, English and Technical Communication

Gerry Howser, Associate Professor, Computer Science

Irina Ivliyeva, Professor, Arts, Languages, and Philosophy

Beth Kania-Gosche, Professor and Chair, Education

David Lipke, Associate Professor, Ceramic Engineering

Kelly Liu, Professor, Geophysics

Julia Medvedeva, Professor, Physics

John Myers, Professor, Civil Engineering

Joseph Newkirk, Professor and Chair, Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Sciences

Felix Nyikwagh, Graduate Teaching Assistant, Technical Communication

Francisca Oboh-Ikuenobe, Professor of Geology; Associate Dean For Academic Affairs, College of Engineering and Computing

Gayla Olbricht, Professor, Mathematics and Statistics

Daniel Reardon, Professor, English and Technical Communication and Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education

Clair Reynolds Kueny, Associate Professor and Interim Chair, Psychological Science

Jillian Schmidt, Associate Teaching Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

William Schonberg, Professor, Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering

Kristine Swenson, Professor and Chair, English and Technical Communication; Director, Center for Science, Technology, and Society

Robin Verble, Professor, Biological Sciences; Director, Ozark Research Field Station