Faculty Recruitment


Click here to view workshops offered by the S&T ADVANCE program on conducting an effective and efficient search process.


Searching for Excellence and Diversity: A Guide for Search Committees (WISELI - Women in Science and Engineering Leadership Institute)

Recruiting Excellent Applicants

Recruiting excellent faculty members is essential in creating an enriching department for faculty, students, and staff. By actively searching for qualified individuals from varied backgrounds and expertise, search committees can enhance the pool of candidates they are selecting from. Currently, all S&T job postings are advertised on the following platforms:

  • LinkedIn
  • Higher Ed Jobs
  • Diverse Issues in Higher Education
  • Circa
  • The Chronicle of Higher Education

For additional networking and outreach opportunities, please reference the following resources: 

For additional information on recruitment strategies, please reference these best practices provided by the UMASS ADVANCE team: 

Evaluating Applicants

Interviewing Applicants and Preparing for the Campus Visit