Search Committee Training

Best Practices for Faculty Recruitment

Because the search process plays a critical role in shaping our faculty and staff for years to come and provides the best opportunity for diversifying our workforce, it is important that we implement effective and efficient recruiting practices and address important contemporary issues of excellence and diversity.  With the help of The Women in Science & Engineering Leadership Institute (WISELI) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and many S&T faculty and staff members, S&T ADVANCE has developed and implemented a workshop that provides search committees with evidence-based tips and advice for running an efficient and effective search, recruiting excellent and diverse applicants, and conducting fair and thorough reviews of candidates.

For more information about the best practices search committees can implement, please visit our faculty recruitment resources page.

Workshop Description

This workshop combines brief presentations with active discussions that encourage small groups of search committee chairs and members to learn from each other’s experiences and ideas.  Topics discussed in these hiring workshops include:

  • Gaining the support and active involvement of search committee members
  • Recruiting a highly qualified pool of applicants
  • Raising awareness of unconscious assumptions and their potential influence on evaluation of candidates
  • Ensuring a fair and thorough review of candidates
  • Developing and implementing an effective interview process
  • Successfully hiring selected candidates
Upcoming Workshops

Workshops have concluded for the Spring 2024 term. Fall 2024 workshops will be announced shortly.

Past Workshops

Facilitated on Wednesday Sept. 27th 2023 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
126 Schrenk Hall

During the workshop, we engaged in hands-on activities focused on crafting effective rubrics, with particular emphasis on addressing bias within evaluation criteria. By working together, we enhanced our collective ability to identify and attract candidates who will contribute to the diversity and excellence of our university.

Presented on Thursday Sept. 7th 2023 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. and Monday Sept. 11th 2023 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Meramec/Gasconade Room in Havener Center

This workshop combined brief presentations with active discussions that encouraged small groups of search committee chairs and members to learn from each other's experiences and ideas.